Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My face is melting

A root canal. I have to get a root canal. Besides the absolute terror I normally feel when anything comes near my teeth, this is probably the scariest thing I've had to do lately.

I was sitting in the dentist's office--which I chose randomly from the telephone book based on its full-page ad and the nice graphics--and I felt like one of those people in a Sci-Fi movie where I'm sitting still and moving in normal time while everyone else around me is zipping past in super-turbo-time saying things I don't understand and not taking the time to explain them to me.

This does not help my fear.

It's weird how this fear just overwhelms me when I get there. To be honest, there is absolutely no reason for this fear. I've never had a bad experience with the dentist's office before. This makes complete rational sense to me. My brain is able to wrap itself around this idea and accept it. But my body still somehow responds with the overwhelming rush of adrenaline--sweaty palms, racing heart, shaking hands and leaky eyes. Oh those darn leaking eyes. Otherwise known as the overwhelming urge to bawl like a baby.

But in other news, I'm glad that it's finally being taken care of. No more sleepless nights, no more ibuprofen overdoses and no more affecting my life.

As for affecting my life, I feel like I've been incredibly out of it lately. Small group last night was difficult. Getting things ready late, not feeling like I have any knowledge on the subject I'm teaching because I'm struggling with it as well, having my head splitting apart because of a renegade tooth, all these things conspired against me to hurt me during small group last night. I prayed and prayed as group was going on for more focus, for the questions to ask the girls and for them to get something out of it. And you know what, I think they did get something out of it. And that my friends, is totally of God. There is no way I was capable of giving those girls what they needed last night and because God is amazing and faithful He gave them something. And I think He gave me something too.

In other news, my obsession with science fiction has now taken a drastic turn. Oh Dr. Who, I love you.

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