Friday, March 20, 2009

Shrimpy Wooden Taste

So, I decided to switch to shrimp ramen on a whim one day while shopping at the local grocery store. SW was all, "Gross, SHRIMP ramen has no taste anyway. You're going to hate it." And I told him to shut up and let me choose my OWN food dangit.

Poop. He was right.

AND I ate it this afternoon with my wooden chopsticks which, it turns out, happen to make all of my food taste like slightly soggy bamboo.

Also, I'm listening to this right now. I am positive this has been played at the spa I used to work at. I just KNOW I endured my esthetician squeezing all the nasty blackheads out of my nose like she's using a blowtorch on my skin to the lovely, relaxing stylings of this group.

Painful memories.

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