Saturday, October 16, 2010

I'm teaching in a teen movie . . .

She's back!


Yes, well, for the two of you who noticed, I have returned from a rather long hiatus. I think two weeks is the longest I've gone so far without blogging. 

In my defense, I was away from blogging capabilities last weekend, and I usually make all my posts on weekends since that's when I seem to have TIME.

Coming up will be a few posts about my trip to New York and my first visit to Comic Con. It was definitely great, and a little less epic than I anticipated (but in a good way), and it will take quite awhile to post it all.

But, in the meantime, I'll leave you with a wonderful story about one of my students. 

Imagine this situation for me, if you would. 

You're in class. Let say it's science class. Your teacher is a pretty tough teacher. Doesn't take any crap from you. Makes you work hard. Disciplines with a firm hand. 

You've got to pee. And in a bad way. 

He tells you that you can't leave the room to use the restroom.

What do you do?

Well, if you're a rational adult, you might simply say to yourself, "Well, I need to make my situation a little more clear to him so that I do not have an accident here in class."

But if you're a teenager, you say to yourself, "He won't let me out of the room. Guess I better find a place to go."

So you look around the room, and then remember that this is a science classroom with an adjoining lab. And this lab is empty. And labs have these awesome things with drains called sinks.


You duck into the lab while the teacher is occupied with his other students, you sally right on up to a sink, and you do your business quickly and efficiently. Some of your classmates know what you're up to, and let's face it. What you're up to is pretty funny. 

What you don't realize, however, is that Miss M is apparently a teacher that other students trust, because this information travels quickly to her ear via one of those students who knows what you're up to. And when she brings it to your attention that she knows about your little escapade, well, let's just say it's all you can do to save face.


Little does this student know that I'm still laughing about it. 

The best part? 

His rationale for why it was OK:

"But I washed my hands afterwards!"


Kristy said...

MB I love it!!!! and I love that you are sharing this on the internet for the WHOLE world to read!!!! Super Funny!!! love you

Unknown said...

Where's the comic-con, young lady?!

Vicki said...

I would say that you are "in the know"!!!! Great story!