Saturday, January 22, 2011

I want to be Spirit stronger . . .

Oh my rabid readers, I've missed you. This is a long one, you ready?

Today we had a five day school week. Wait, you may say. Don't all schools always have a five day week? Silly reader, please try to keep up with my life. Remember? My school is on a four day week. Yes, I've reminded you yet again that you need to be jealous of my life.

Back to the point. Why was it a five day week? Well, because it was homecoming this week. Themed spirit days, the excuse to be silly and dumb, a home game to look forward to, and a visit from a very dear friend of mine? What a great week, right?

Yeah, well, don't get ahead of yourselves my dears. Let me recount the last five days for you.

It begins well enough. Monday and Tuesday, pretty good days. Normal. Uneventful. I dress loudly for Clash Day on Monday. I look awesome for Rock Star Day on Tuesday [just check out that pic!]. I listen to rap with my sophomores for half an hour [for our poetry unit] on Tuesday. And shortly after teaching him how to Dougie [you heard me--want to learn?], I have this conversation with Tubby:

Me: G, why aren't you dressed up for Spirit Week?
G:  I'm not a Spirit Weeker, Miss Martin.
Me:  You're not a Spirit Weeker?
G:  No. I'm a Spirit Stronger.

Ah, loved it. I was a little more tired than normal that night, but I figured it was fine.

No. It wasn't.

I woke up the next morning feeling bad. Not terrible, just bad. Bad enough for a sick day, though. Felt a little better during the day . . . but then it was like someone dropped a ton of bricks on my head. Or a gorilla. Or the Chrysler Building. Then a cough. Then aches. Then a 101.5 fever. Took a second sick day--very unusual for me. I left my bed to do three things that day, and this is how long they took:

1. Relieve myself [sorry, am I embarrassing you?]:
5 minutes

2. Shower [because let's face it, the only thing worse than being sick is feeling disgusting and sick]:
20 minutes

3. Drink some chicken broth and eat some rice [regretted both immediately]:
20 minutes

There you go. Other than that, I was in my overly large, soft, and heated bed all day long. By the end of that second day I hated everything about that bed. Especially the fact that I needed the heated blanket cranked up: I'd shiver violently without it, but ugh, I would sweat like crazy with it [no, thank you 101.5 degree fever!]. Gross.

You hanging in there with me, readers? Sorry, sickness isn't pretty.

Thank the Lord I wake up yesterday morning cool and clammy. Good clammy. Like, fever broke clammy. Not only am I grateful that I can make it to school, I'm doubly excited because that means my dear friend, Kristy, can still come see me.

The day was an interesting mix. Though my fever was gone, I still felt pretty awful. But then again, I was back at school cracking jokes with Tubby. I had to miss my seniors, but I had a great day with my other kids [plus, I actually got good time in with a lot of my seniors yesterday anyway]. I had no lesson plans ready due to the sickness, but just hanging out in 7th hour was a pretty great time. I had an amazing meal prepped for Kristy and I, but I felt too ill to really enjoy it. My voice was slowly leaving me, but I got asked to announce the Homecoming candidates--and even got to announce the winners.

The day's verdict: The fun parts of the day were much more fun than the bad parts of the day were bad.

Make sense? No? Great.

Kristy then taught me how to play a game after the basketball games [which our guys won, and our girls almost did--most exciting girls game yet!]. I was the winner. Or I could have been the loser. It depends on how you look at the game. Either way, we had fun!

After that, and some hemming and hawing, we decided to check out the dance. It wasn't much, to say the least. Sparsely attended. That's not to say I didn't have fun, however. Those of you who know my are very aware that loud dance music suddenly whisks away all pain, fear, and inhibition in me. Well, ok, not all inhibition.

Let's just say I'm looking forward to Prom, which is when I've decided I can dance.

My pal D and I are going to tear it up. 

A rather random ending, I know, but I feel this post has gone on long enough, and I need to get some stuff done today. Also, I need to hack up with gravel that is currently sitting in my lungs.


1 comment:

Amybeth said...

.... having a hard time believing the 20 minute shower part because I know for a FACT that your hot water doesn't last that long! IF you were in that shower for 20 minutes, then you really were sick because you had to be a human pop*sick*le!!! In that case ... you poor poor girl! I'm glad you're doing better, Love! Had a very trying week myself... moral of the story: sick = NO fun!
