Sunday, January 16, 2011

When life gives you mountains . . .

So my last ones were funny.

This one is heartbreaking. Beautiful. It is truth.

Sometimes life gives you more than lemons. Life gives you boulders. Mountains. You can't make lemonade out of mountains, silly. So what do you do? The weight of sadness, loneliness, longing, guilt, desperation, or heartbreak sits on your back and you can't even lift your head.

That's where Jesus comes in. Remember singing this song in Sunday school as a little kid? Well, even when you're chained by the things above it's still truth.

And sometimes all you can do is repeat it to yourself over and over and pray with all your might that it will finally sink in and take hold of your heart. Because sometimes you just don't believe it.

And that's life. You're not a bad person. You're not failing God. You're not failing others. Just because it's truth doesn't make it easy. The fact that it's truth makes it hard. Especially when you're under the weight.

But even when you can't feel it, knowing there's real truth out there can help you put your hands against the ground, and hopefully soon you'll be able to finally push yourself up and stand in that truth.

A caveat for you all: I'm not currently in the depths of despair, but I know people who either are or are close. This is for them.

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