Friday, April 15, 2011


The next few days are tough. I said goodbye to The Monolith a year ago today. Part of me feels rather stupid for knowing that and caring. The other part of me is fully aware that I am STILL healing. You'd think after a year I'd be healed. But, well, anyone who's had to heal from lost understand.

But I'm not here to drag you down. Or at least I'm not trying to do that.

I've been rather snippy or frustrated with my students lately. Some in particular. I believe this is the reason. Not the whole reason, mind you, but part of the reason.

The other part is that I'm ready for summer to be here. I'm ready to relax! And frankly, when my students act stupid in class a lot of me is just really ready to laugh with them. But I still have to teach and maintain order. So then not only am I frustrated that students are goofing off during class time, I'm also doubly frustrated that I still have to be, you know, a TEACHER and put them back on task.

Cause if I still have to do my job then, by golly, they better do theirs. Cause it's just not fair!

Ok, all whining aside, I'm working on not being so frustrated.

And hey! I actually have something fun for you all to end this rather varied blog post.

So I am not one who can stand or sit still. I am a fidgeter. I talk VERY expressively with my hands, swing my feet, sway back and forth, etc. And usually to the amusement of all around.

Ok, so then yesterday I'm in the computer lab with my seniors, who are working diligently on their research papers, and I'm leaning against the counter. As usual, I'm swaying back and forth against the counter.

Suddenly, I feel a rather sharp pain in my right butt cheek.

That's right, you heard me. Butt cheek.

I freeze, and I KNOW my eyes got really wide all of a sudden. Someone asks, "Miss Martin, what's wrong?" I simply smile and say, "Oh, nothing!" while trying to maintain a normal smile.

Luckily the bell is going to ring in one minute, so I just wait for the one male in the room to leave and promptly thrust my hand down the back of my pants.

Sorry for the graphics, but hey, if something stabbed into your butt cheek YOU try walking all the way to bathroom to do that.

Needless to say I found the culprit. A nice splinter, about 3/4inch long. It was ALL THE WAY inside my pants. AND lodged in my flesh.


There are so many jokes I could make at this point, but seeing as all of them are highly inappropriate, I'll hold off.

Let's just say that I'm sure you could imagine a few....


Courtney W. said...

I'm not trying to give you an excuse but I think all teachers get frustrated with their students about this time of year (at least I do!). So I guess that means you're normal, right? Happy end of the school year!

Kristy said...

OH MB!!!! I am so sorry this happened to you! No fun.....I know that you can't help but moving but maybe you will be more careful. I hope that there is no long term pain! :)

You will make it!

Unknown said...

I'm trying really hard not to say splinter butt...apparently not hard enough. Hang in there, May is right around the corner!