Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Dear Lord, God please don't break my brain.

Today I did more work in my classroom. I can feel the weight of the time crunch beating down on me. Ugh.

AND I found out some lovely news today. I was under the impression the health care for teachers was covered. Always covered. Ha. Are you paying attention? It's not.

Basically, the school system will only pay for half of my monthly coverage, which, as it turns out, is really expensive. I'm all about a certain health insurance company that contains what Jesus died on, the acronym of a certain Marvel Comics law-enforcement agency (and yes, I'm using a comic books reference, deal with it), and the primary color that is not red or yellow.

Waiting . . .

. . . almost there . . .

. . . now you've got it.

Ok, so I'm all about that company. But not when I have to pay half of the lowest monthly option. Because that wonderful company knows it's wonderful. And what do people do when they know they're wonderful? Well, folks, they charge lots and lots of money.

Why do you think Julia Roberts makes so much money? Because she knows we all think she's wonderful. And she is a little wonderful, God love her. We'll just overlook the forthcoming Put-Things-In-Mouth-Then-Chew-Them-Then-Swallow-Them, Talk-to-Deity-of-Your-Choice, Strong-Feelings-That-Are-More-Than-Like.

Waiting . . .

. . . wondering why she chose to write the title that way . . .

. . . got it, albeit with a little bit of huh?

Anyway, with a $2,000 deductible (that's right, you heard me. I'll give you a second to pick your jaw up off the floor. Lord knows I needed more than a few to do the same thing . . . . . . . . ok, ready? And, we're back.), I better not get so much as a runny nose while I'm here in Ashland.

Oh, God.




I just know when I finish writing this post I'm going to trip over my own feet, forget to catch myself with my hands, smash my face into the corner of my kitchen counter, and break my nose all the way up into my brain.


Break my nose. Into my brain.

It's a real thing. I looked it up.

In other news, I love my classroom. I really mean it. Love, love, love. It's a comfortable place. It's big, it's sunny, and it's cleaner than most of the rooms in the building. I've been figuring out how to buy some movie posters for the room without spending a lot of money. So far I have a Star Wars poster. Nothing fancy, nothing official, but at least I'm representing (I like using the "g" at the end to emphasize my whiteness).

Love you all. Miss you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

1) That's ridiculous....

2) I lived several years without the great benefit of health insurance. Its possible.

3) You aren't going to break your nose into your brain.