Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Very much alive.

You thought I was dead, didn't you? You thought to yourself, "Oh, Lord, she actually did trip and fall and break her brain."

Don't worry. I didn't break my brain. And if you weren't worried, I'll know that you have a life and don't hang on my every word here. Jerk.

Today was a great day. You might not think so, but it truly was.

It was the first day of official work for me. I love my place of employ, I love my co-workers, I love my room. Is there any more that I could love? Sure, but I haven't gotten there yet, so I don't know if I love it yet! Judging by what I've encountered so far, I'm going to go ahead and guess that I'll love those things, too.

I also had dinner tonight with a very lovely couple here in town. They are actually my age, which is amazing, and they're super nice. And we have many mutual friends! People I went to high school with are great friends of theirs. And these aren't people from high school that I sort of knew and liked. These were people from high school that I loved and had fun with. That, my friends, is a serious gift from the Lord, and a confirmation that I can build relationships here.

In other news, I believe you would all like to see my room! Here you go:

This is what I call my Reading Nook. I made those letters from construction paper and had so much fun doing it! 
Hopefully I'll have more books for my students to check out as time goes on. 

The view of my desks from the doorway of the room.

My "turn in" table. 

This is a board with pictures that I love. This is sort of my way to show my students that I'm a "real person."
If you know me, you may notice that I don't have college pictures. I wanted to use high school pictures to remind me of that
time in my own life as well as connect more with my students. 

This corner of my room will slowly become my science fiction and fantasy area. 
I think it's appropriate that I've started with the first sci-fi film ever made and the best sci-fi film ever made. 

I have a huge glass sheet over my desk, so I can keep pictures of my family and important notes all over it. 

The back of the room. 

The inside of my supply cabinets. One side has all my artsy stuff and movies while the other side is for my forensics kids.
Look at all those plays! Jackpot! It took a long time to organize and alphabetize them. 

Assignment board! Color coordinated to keep my brain sane. 

My sets of class books. And the other piece of art in my room, Klimt's "The Kiss."

View from the door. 

View from the other corner of the classroom. As you can see in this picture, 
I have a ceiling-mounted projector. I plan on using this a lot!

Thanks for looking at the pictures of my room! I can't wait to get to work there!


Unknown said...

MB you are going to be a FANTASTIC teacher! I am so so excited for you, may your students behave and may the learning begin!! :)

Unknown said...

the ashland schools just improved from great to even better when you showed up. thanks for blessing us with you.

Pamela Fruechting said...

How exciting! Your room is so bright and cheerful! It is just so fun to get organized for school. You will do just great. I think the huge dry erase board with the to-do list for each class is a good thing for the class to see what they might be missing if they don't take ALL your classes eventually. You're so sweet...they will just love you. You have so much creativity to offer them and I think they will "connect" with you unlike any other teacher.

Laura Blankenship said...

Oh my word! You are going to be a great teacher!!

Dad said...

I love it, the room of a serious nerd teacher. Kids love nerd teachers. Who are your new friends and who do they know back here?

Carriann said...

your room looks awesome XD i hope you have allot of fun teaching (: