Thursday, August 5, 2010

Wherein I make a list of my day

A few notes from the day:

1. I only spent a few hours in my classroom today, but I did get my Star Wars poster up. Now it feels like home.

2. I suddenly felt nervous about teaching Creative Writing, even though it'll probably be my best class. At this very moment I can't even remember why I was nervous. I just remember a tight feeling in my jaw, thinking I was way in over my head, and then leaving. Quickly. Hence, the reason for #1.

3. I'm excited about Forensics now. I'll just stick with Speech (per my coach) and get the kids ready for that. Also, please do not forget that we're going to play improv games in this class. Especially these games. That I like to watch. As a pick-me-up, because . . .

4.  . . . well, I'll leave #4 blank. Not because nothing happened, but because I don't need to get into it. Suffice to say, it prompted my need for the previous post and for retreating into my head, which . . .

5. Should I be worried that my coping mechanism is a flourishing dream world where I imagine myself as a successful comic and writer in NY being discovered by chance and landing a coveted staff writing position at a very popular sketch comedy show? Because that makes me feel better. And I'd rather daydream about an imaginary relationship than start a real one since I've decided that the whole solo career thing is what I want to do for the next couple of years.

6. And a man who is my age said these exact words today: "Hey, I wanted to tell you, you should wear your hair like that [which, for your information, is me drying my bangs out of the shower and letting it do what it wants] every day. You look really pretty."

Why thank you cute guy. You made my day.

Oh, and the new Arcade Fire album is out and as soon as the motha' flippin' bank gives me my motha' flippin' debit card, I'm going to hit that, yo.

Again, I say things like this only to emphasize my whiteness.

1 comment:

Emily B. said...

you are hilarious. and white, like me. :)
why did it take me this long to realize/remember that you blog?!