Monday, August 2, 2010

Purging, but no binging.

I finally felt productive today.

I went to school and got into my classroom for the first time. I wasn't expecting much, to be honest. But I did end up getting more than I expected.

First of all, the woman I'm replacing clearly didn't possess organizational skills. AND she didn't even bother to go through any of the material that was left in the classroom from past teachers. I found things dumped in piles from the early 90s.

You know, there are pack rats, people who just let things sit, and purgers. I am a purger (and no, this is not one of those moments where I now need to go into bulimic rehab). I love to dig through old things, decide what is needed, and throw the unnecessary stuff out.

I went through some gems (a complete Holocaust unit, a play version of Alas, Babylon, and a massive number of plays) and some real stinkers (too many textbooks and old copies of student work). The stinkers actually made me just as happy as the gems because I got the pleasure of throwing them away. Something about the sound of stacks of junk hitting the bin puts a song in my heart.

The bookcases are in place. The tables are in place. My desk is in place. It's great.

One problem though: the room is filthy. Oh my Lord, I seriously felt a little ill just looking at it. Old crumbs everywhere, sticky tables, dirty class, cobwebs and dead bugs littering corners and various surfaces covered the room. Ick, ick, ick.

I know the custodian will be by to take care of a lot of those things, but I'm wondering to myself just how much I would insult him by bringing some of my cleaning things in tomorrow to take care of it.

For the last few minutes at school I just sat in my chair and gazed at the room. I think it will be a place that I find comfort and enjoy being.

I hope my students feel the same way.

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