Thursday, September 23, 2010

But a drop of water . . .

I wrote this post awhile before I had a blog. I looked it up this evening and wanted to share it with those of you who follow along here. I still believe in this above all things. 

So, my friend Rich spent one evening pretending to be Barbara Walters at a recent gathering, and I was his subject. He asked me many thought provoking questions, one of which was very difficult to answer and which I've been pondering for the last week or so. His question was this:

"What would you say you believe in above all other things, besides the existence of God, sovereignty of Christ, etc.?"

My answer:

"Wow, um, let me think . . . [about 60 seconds elapse]. Well, I'd have to say that I believe in the pursuit of truth above all else."

His response:

"Ok. Why the pursuit of truth rather than just truth?"

My response:

"Erm, well, truth is constant, right? But culture is always changing and we change with our culture. And we have to constantly be looking for truth because we're changing too, you know?"

And that was probably the least-best way I could have described it! I've been pondering it a lot and I think I've come up with a word picture to describe what I mean. I love using pictures and images to describe what concept I'm trying to convey, and hopefully this describes why I believe that I as a Christian must always PURSUE Truth rather than trying to just STAND in Truth.

And please forgive me if the metaphor falls apart when you get really literal. It is merely an illustration to convey the concept!


Truth is the rock in the surf. Unchanging in the face of the crashing waves. I am but a DROP of water. 

I KNOW the rock is truth, but without pursuit of that rock I am swept along by the waves of culture. I am human, fallen, and fickle. A bride prone to adultery against my true Bridegroom. And Christ forgive me.

I might occasionally crash against the Rock of Truth and alight on its surface for a time, but Truth is not a soft, sweet cradle. It is a jagged, beautiful and shining surface, which I will eventually slide off of when I don't continually cling to it. I will slide off and back into the swirling waters. 

I must always strike out for Truth, climb Truth, establish new footholds and handholds because my own human nature pulls me away. 


Hopefully that helps. It helped me!

1 comment:

Emily B. said...

MB, I love how you put this idea into words... we don't just stand on the truth, we aren't stable or static by any stretch of the imagination. But we really have to continue pursuing it. Beautifully written, and I think you were quick on your feet to have responded as well as you did in the first place... I am horrible on the spot with questions like that!