Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The monolith has finally left my chest . . .

Something finally lifted from me on Saturday night. Something that's been lurking in the back of my brain and evading all my attempts to corner it and kick it out (much like my pesky cat when she gets under my bed. you think you've got her, but no. she simply rushes out and around to the other side.).

It's taken four months, but my bitterness has finally lifted and true forgiveness has settled into its place.

A few caveats for you:

1. Four months, you say? That's nothing! Well friends, let me tell you, that's like a lifetime to me. I am literally incapable of keeping a grudge or holding things against others. Usually bitterness just slides off me overnight, and I don't think I've ever dealt with it for more than a week--and trust me, that was tough. So imagine how hard four straight months has been.

2. I am 100% aware that the person I've forgiven doesn't even need to be forgiven. He technically did nothing wrong. But, you know, hearts just don't care about technicalities, do they? Can I get an amen?

3. I'm not going to go back into the details of the situation. One of the great things about true forgiveness is the fact that the book on that particular time is closed. I've learned my lesson, and I've stored it away, but I'm not going to rehash it here for your entertainment, so back off. Love you!

And now, on to the good stuff!


A lot of my readers don't know this, but this was what my life has looked like for almost the last seven years:

Looking at these pictures no longer pains my heart. 

I cherish the times we had. Life has moved us forward without each other, and I'm excited about that now. 


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