Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Thanksgiving post, obviously.

Ah, the obligatory Thanksgiving post.

Sometimes listing off all the things I'm thankful for can feel so trite, if I'm really honest, but this year I have so much to be thankful for. Some are small. Some are big. Some are familiar and constant, and some are new and exciting.

Now that my hands are clean after giving the turkey an olive oil rubdown (yes, you heard me), let's get on to the list!

1. Ready for the Superchurch answer? . . . Jesus!
I could say so much here, and it would never be enough. He has dictated every part of my life and He has never failed me. He is my bridegroom and my home, and He will never leave me.

2. My new home.
You've seen the house in posts before, so you know that it's pretty adorable. With limited options, I ended up getting a house better than I imagined. Not too big, pretty cute, and with enough projects to keep me busy, I couldn't have asked for more.

3. My new job.
I became a teacher because I knew I'd do well. I discovered that I love teaching. I get to go to school every day, talk about literature, keep things organized (and those of you who know me understand!), and hang out with kids all day. And make fun of them. And laugh at them. And seriously, I laugh and smile all day long. You've read some stories already, like this one and this one, and I'll always have more for you. I wake up each day excited for work, and I don't know many people who can say that.

4. My new town.
If I'm brutally honest (and let's face it, I usually am), I did not want to come here. I wanted to stay where things were familiar. Who wouldn't? But God said no and sent me here. And you know what? He totally knew what he was doing. I adore this place. The school. The feeling of community. New friends. My church. Knowing people and being known.

5. My new life.
God shut a lot of things down for me last spring. It was hard, to put it lightly. I thought my new life would be getting out into the world and moving to a big city. I thought teaching would simply be a short pit stop before my real life began. And I think that's changed. Crazy, right? I feel like I could stay here forever. Teach here forever. A man might steal me away someday, but until then, I think I'll be here indefinitely. And that's exciting!

6. Friends and family.
Not too much to say. Just that I love them so much and would not be the woman I am today without them. I have been so blessed, and I hope these pictures will show you why.

I love my dad. He taught me as a father and as a teacher. I learned most of my good teaching skills from him. 
And by him constantly berating me and putting me down, I learned how to hold my own. Love you, Dad!

My mother is one of my best friends which I never would have imagined in high school.
She taught me to love music, love people, and love decorating. And I love her.

Ah, Seeeester. We've hated each other enough for two lifetimes. Now we love each other. Always and forever. And look how pretty she is!

Oh my brothers in Christ. There are more of you, and I appreciate all of you. Your concern for my safety, my heart, and my life has blessed me. 
You show me such a picture of Christ's love, and reassure me that there are amazing and incredible godly men out there.

The last generation of the Bluff house. Some of the best years of my life with some of the best girls.

Oh, my dear Meghan. Your sweet and gentle heart inspires me. Your passion for your causes motivates me in mine (even if we're different).
You cut some mean hair and have fabulous taste. 

My little Sarah. You're like a surrogate little sister to me. And a friend. All rolled in one. Your obsessions make me giggle and my weirdness makes
you shake your head. We're a good pair, and I miss you.

Amy. Amy, Amy, Amy. You know my heart, and I know yours. Honestly, we get each other. And this picture
illustrates visually that we are twins mentally

 Ah Joyce, our tears and laughter have filled many precious hours of my life. I love you so much, my sister.

Saras, you are so fetch. And sweet. And I love that we became fast friends, and I'm sad that I'm no longer there with you. 
Kristy, you know my deepest heart, and I am honored to know yours. Thank you for all your words and encouragement. 
I am, and will always be, grateful for your hand in my life during this year.

Anna MinneMAN! I love you so much my darling. You are sweet and precious, and I am mean to you. It's the way it is. 
You're one of my oldest friends, and I love that we've seen each other grow over the years. No one's singing will ever more to me than yours.

Trust me, I could go on and on about people. You might even find some surprising. But I have to stop at some point! Suffice to say, the people in my life are incredible blessings every day. They energize me, encourage me, comfort me, challenge me, and love me. And I love them.

Happy Thanksgiving, friends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Family and friends.....such a blessing this holiday...and everyday! Enjoy your time "hosting" Thanksgiving in your first home!!!! Love you!--Vicki