Friday, July 23, 2010

The House In Order

My goodness. It's hard to believe that I've been here in Ashland for almost a week.

I've been feeling quite at home here. Yesterday marked the completion of my home organization and decoration. I never thought I would have enough things to fill a home, and while it's not packed, it's definitely not too bare.

Now, I'm going to post a lot of pictures. After the pictures you will find some more musings about the move and about living alone. If you have already seen the pictures, feel free to scroll past them and onto more musings. I promise, I'm going to try to make them entertaining. You might even find a shark attack.

Here's my home:

Let me tell you, people. You are welcome. You have no idea how long that took to upload.





to live alone. For reals. I adored being with roommates. Seriously. The ladies I've lived with have made my life so rich and so full, and they've become my best friends in the world. But I've discovered that I really love living alone.

I think it's the control freak in me. I can control every aspect of my house that a person can control. If the house is messy, I don't freak out. Why? Because it's my mess, I know how it started, and I know when it's going to be fixed. Fantastic.

This poses some major issues if I get married someday. And have kids. Oh man. It'll take an amazing man with tons of patience and sensitivity to work around my ridiculous controlling nature.

ALSO. You know what I've discovered?

I am definitely not meant to have a garden. In order to take care of the plants that currently reside in my yard I have to water them nightly. And I do this, but you want to know my favorite part of the process? Watering the fence and watching the wood change from dry to wet. Forget about the plants.

I think I'll just have to budget in order to have someone take care of my yard for me. Or just do it as a chore like some people do cleaning or take out trash.

Want to see something that made me laugh really hard? If you like politics, chances are you'll like this. If you like Obama or if you hate Obama, chances are you will like this. I think it's one of the best openings SNL had all year.

Ah, funny, funny.

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