Saturday, July 24, 2010

Get Off Yer Keister!

I'm sitting out on my front porch listening to big, fat raindrops splatter on the ground as I write this.

It's nice.

You know, the pace of this town, the general feel of it, and the way I just sort of slow down here is nice. I've been enjoying my time here a lot because it almost feels like a retreat. Then again, a retreat is meant to be just that, a retreat, not life. I'm hoping that this slow feeling will disappear once school starts, and that I'll be busy.

One might well imagine that with all this slowness my ambition is slowly fading. And for those of who who imagine that, thank you for your thoughts, now please go soak your heads.

The truth is, my ambition is steady, but my drive is faltering. Does that make any sense? I'll completely understand if it doesn't.

I see all this time stretching out ahead of me. I feel the weight of age crawling into my drive and slowing me down. And heck no, I'm not old, but I look at the people who are currently doing the things that I want to be doing, and these people started going for their dreams at 18, 20, 22. I'm 25. And I won't get to start until at least 27. That means, minimum, 30 before I get any work (unless I'm insanely lucky)--more likely 35. So that's what I mean when I feel age weighing on my drive.

But I really need to get my rear in gear.

I'm like a big, fat, rock on a very gradually sloping downward hill (enough adverbs and adjectives, MB?). One push is not all it's going to take. I'll roll once, then the weight will stop me. I'll roll five times and the weight will still stop me. I need about a month to really get going.

I mean, look at this blog. Can you tell that it's taken a lot of work? That I've put a lot of time into it? And that I keep up with it really well?

It was discipline that made that happen. It was really fun at a few points, especially when I discovered how to do things, but most of the time it was work making myself post something every night.

Ugh, I'm boring myself. Ok, I'll go write now. And you can instead enjoy this very fun video from the production blog of the movie Paul. It stars some very funny people (including . . . I'll give you one guess), and I'm going to go see it when it comes out in March.

Also, they play some very funny improv games which I can't wait to do with my forensics students!

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