Friday, July 2, 2010

New Look!

Here's a new look for July!

I'm loving this whole blogging thing. Editing is really fulfilling my desire for control over my life. Subsequently, I'm trying to control less and less of my actual life, thus freeing up my ability to "go with the flow." Nice.

I'm going to Ashland for the 4th of July! I'm excited, and a little apprehensive, too. I'll be staying with the woman whose house I'm buying, so, in a sense, I'll be staying in my own home. It's a little surreal, to be honest.

In other news, I'll be leaving Wichita in two weeks. If the former wasn't surreal enough, this thought is enough to really send me into freak-out mode. Then I need to calm down. And laugh. And I turn to my friends at SNL.

Thanks, Andy.


Unknown said...

I'm a fan of the new design. very nice.

Vicki said...

Ashland is VERY lucky to have you! Best wishes for a successful and happy life here. My heart "sings" that you love the little house! Hugs, Vicki

Kristy said...

AGAIN!!! I laughed like crazy!!! Thanks for sharing this with all of us.