Monday, July 12, 2010

A Nice Night

I saw this off of my back porch this evening.

If I ever leave the Midwest, I'm really going to miss this sort of thing.

Also, I did a bit of binge shopping at Wal-Mart the other night. Yes, a lot of it was necessary (supplies for my students, some toiletries), but some of it wasn't (super expensive toothpaste and a sun dress). Well, I realized that perhaps the extra spending was a little rash, so I pulled together some things to return. I had purchased the sun dress, a Batman t-shirt, and four dress shirts for school. On clearance at $3.50 each, I was more than glad to get dress shirts from Wal-Mart. I decided to return one of the dress shirts, and then it came down to the sun dress or the t-shirt.

Duh, you already saw where this was going.

Dear reader, you're so smart.

I kept the t-shirt. Come ON! Batman! I don't buy clothes very often, so now my Star Wars shirt has a companion. Now all I need is a Doctor Who shirt, a Buffy shirt, and a Firefly shirt. I like these:

Oh, and I added some Star Wars and Big Bang Theory shirts as well.

I'm still looking for someone to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock with me!

1 comment:

Benjamin Johnston said...

Haha! I love the Han Shot First shirt! That is sweeeeeet. Anyway, hi fellow blogger...well, I should say hi real blogger. I just started mine last month and I haven't made many posts. Btw, I've never heard of rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock before. It sounds fun. What defeats what?