Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Dream That Sort of Unraveled On Its Own In This Post

Office marathon today. Super fun. Oh, and I am full of pizza now. Not-so-super-fun.

Every now and then I get this urge to write for a TV show. Specifically, for an NBC comedy show. 

Two concerns here:

1. If this is a serious urge, it's going to require some drastic life changes. 

2. I'm not quite sure that I can create funny things like the people who actually write for these shows. 

First of all, serious life changes. I've got myself committed to Ashland. And I've got some nice financial obligations as well. 

Ugh. This post was going to continue in this vein and now I've already found myself discouraged away from trying to move to NY or Chicago to join The Second City or UCB

That's what I get for taking my responsibilities seriously. Also, I think it shows that my "dream" is definitely a dream rather than an all-consuming, life-changing passion. 

My ultimate goal in all this? Well, if you haven't guessed from the nature of my most recent posts, I'm quite enamored with SNL lately. That's Saturday Night Live for those of you who aren't in the know. I've found myself studying the humor, the way skits are constructed, how stars are fit into the show, and how the show morphs depending on who the guests are. It's actually quite a beast to behold. 

Those who love humor often bemoan the current state of SNL. And I find it especially funny that the "current" state of SNL is always criticized, no matter what season the show is in. People will always have problems with it, I suppose. 

I personally think that the show is entering a brilliant new phase. I could go into it more here, but instead I'll leave it for a review on my TV tab. Keep checking back. It's not up now, but I'm sure I'll have it up soon. 

Anyway, we all know about my strange fixation on Bill Hader, but it's so much more than that. The talent on that show right now is amazing, the writing is doing well, and the guys from The Lonely Island (the guys behind the SNL Digital Shorts) are taking the show into the future one awkward video at a time. 

And now, just for you, because I know you wanted it, another picture of Mr. Hader, this time with glasses. Why don't all people wear glasses? 

Oh, and Hader's crazily versatile voice talents will soon be appearing in this movie, coming out in August. Listen carefully for the voice that says "Combo" around 1:45. Come on. It looks crazy fun. And hilarious to boot. I need to find some way to see this since I'll already be an hour away from the closest theatre that would show it.

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