Thursday, July 15, 2010

Just Being Honest

OK, ladies and gentlemen. We all know that blogging, by its nature, is a narcissistic act. The thought process basically goes: I'm going to write about myself, other people are going to read it, and their visits and comments will affirm just how worthwhile I am and my dribblings are.

Well, I definitely don't believe all my dribblings are worthwhile, so here is one that you can just chalk up to completely worthless.

But honest. Yes, people, very honest.

So, you've just seen a movie or a TV show that you found particularly funny/moving/interesting/inspiring. And most of it was because of one person. One actor/star/personality. Maybe you've heard of or seen this person before, maybe you haven't. Either way, you're suddenly fascinated.

Come on. Admit it. You know what I'm talking about.

And maybe, just maybe you've gone to to look this person up and find the other works on his/her resume. Then you've started watching these works.

Or maybe you haven't.

Either way, if you're a savvy reader or someone who's been keeping up with me, you already know where this is headed. Man, you guys are so smart.

Bill Hader! Muah-hahahahaha. Oh how I love torturing you all with this.

But on a more serious note, while I have had my strange fixations before (and any of my friends can tell you that these fixations all focus on a singular body part: eyebrows), only once before this have I very actively sought out the work of a former fixation. And for your information, I have now seen more Elijah Wood films than I ever should have. But I think this fixation is stronger because of my love of comedy and studying it, especially the films that are at the current leading edge of comedy, because if you take a look at that leading edge, Hader is somehow attached to everything. The man can't be stopped.

Seriously. Will Forte and Andy Samberg have nothing on him. He is the next male breakout star from SNL. Just wait and see.

And by the way, judge all you want. You may think he is odd-looking, and perhaps he is. Will Forte is quite handsome and plays great, out-there characters. Jason Sudeikis is also handsome and plays a straight-man better than (almost) anyone on SNL. But when you look at Hader and see that he can excellently play the straight-man and the manic, crazy characters, then he takes the cake. Talent, talent.

Anyway, all of that dribble was to say that this led me to watch a movie called Adventureland. Holy cow. I was not expecting that movie to be that good. You'll get a review later, trust me, but let me just say that I was expecting to laugh out loud. It actually didn't happen that much. I did however, find myself touched and thoughtful afterward, which is much more rewarding.

It's always nice when movies surprise you.

So. Now you've been tortured. Let's see how much longer I can hold off from mentioning Mr. Eyebrows again.

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