Friday, July 2, 2010

Out of My Comfort Zone

I'm headed to Ashland in a few minutes.

Can I just tell you all that I'm really nervous? If you were to observe me from the outside I would look cool, collected, and breezy while meeting new people. But inside I'm second guessing every syllable that comes out of my mouth, counting down the seconds until I can be safely back with the people I know, and praying that the sweat I can feel slowly creeping down my sides does not show. Ew, I know, but I'm just being honest. That's what we do here.

I think it's years of stage experience and singing experience. Most performers get nervous before every performance, but we've learned how to move past it and cover it up.

So in a way, I guess I see this as a performance? But not really, because I really want them to see the "real" me. And hopefully they will because I'm not quite sure who she is. That's part of the reason why this blog exists. Don't worry. I'll let you guys know if I find her.

Part of going to Ashland involves me not knowing if I'll have access to the internet. If I do I'm going to try to give you short, little photo updates and then one, larger update once I am back home. If I don't, then, well, you can expect all those things in one, massive post once I'm back!


In other news, I've found a bit of a loophole around Blogger's "Pages" options. Yes, I've created a FAQ page and an About Me page (which you should check out if you haven't already!), but it came to my attention that each page was sort of a one-shot deal. And if I was going to write reviews of various entertainment things and try to archive them that was going to be rather difficult on a one-shot page.

My new system will consist of links. Yes, you'll have to make one extra click when you go to the "Movies" page or the "Music" page, but it'll be worth it, I promise! I don't currently have any reviews up yet, but the platforms are ready and waiting!

Also, those handy pictures I have next to my posts are links to the various pages/reviews about them. Not yet, mind you, but they will be soon!

Go exploring! Have fun with it!

And I'll try to have fun outside of my comfort zone!

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