Friday, June 18, 2010


OK, people. It has been a long two days, and a lot has happened.

1. I took some awesome friends to see a house yesterday.

2. We loved it.

3. I told my parents about it that evening.

4. They told me an hour later that they wanted to go see it the next day and talk money.

5. I went again this morning and took my parents with me.

6. They loved it.

7. We talked money.

8. I made an offer.

8a. She countered.

8b. I thought really hard and forced myself not to look at my parents for help.

9. I accepted her price.

10. We talked details.

11. We shook on it.

12. I went to the bank.

13. We talked money.

14. I filled out a loan application.

15. I got approved.

16. I'm in the process of buying.

Phew! That's a ton of stuff! It makes me even more exhausted just reading about it all. Now I need to go to sleep and have dreams about the pleasures/pains of owning a home!

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