Saturday, June 19, 2010

It Does a Body Good?

Should I be concerned that I can go an entire day and not desire food? Or feel hungry at all, for that matter?

I mean, I'm sure that there are people out in the world who are similar, but perhaps these people take care of themselves by partaking in sustenance, whereas I just don't eat if I don't feel like it.

Example: Yesterday, I went over to a dear friend's house for dinner. I had to pick something up at the store, and walking among the aisles of food, I felt hungry for the first time all day. My plan had been to simply arrive at my friend's house, help make dinner, and eat something, despite the fact that I had no appetite and wasn't interested in food. And we were eating hummus, a particular favorite of mine.

And today. Haven't eaten yet. Why? Don't feel hungry.

So I guess here is my question. If a person does not feel hungry, does that matter? Doesn't a body require food on a daily basis? Yeah, yeah, people fast and a body can get used to going without food, but a normal, everyday person requires daily food, correct?

So shouldn't I feel hungry? I mean really? Shouldn't I? I adore food! It makes me happy and I often eat enough to make myself feel ill.

Or is this lack of hunger coming from my brain rather than my stomach?

And if the latter is the situation, then shouldn't I be far more worried?

Oh, and p.s. I am going to eat tonight, even though I'm not hungry, so don't worry yourselves. At least about whether or not I'm going to eat.

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