Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Perks of Being a Single Girl: Unabashedly Admiring a Celebrity

Can't help myself. Here.

And things are speeding up around here. I've been staying up and packing, and man, is it throwing a wrench into all my daily goings on.

First of all, I'm staying up until the wee hours of the morning because my favorite time to pack is super late at night. And this is definitely wrecking my sleep schedule. But, then again, wasn't it already a train wreck?

And secondly, being the crazy organizational control freak that I am, having my room in a perpetual state of disarray is driving. me. crazy. There are many things that I need to do to keep my life moving along, but all my mind can seem to focus on is the fact that my room is a mess and I need to finish packing NOW. Which, I don't. At all. I have some time. I mean, I haven't even closed on my house yet.

So I'm currently in limbo. But Stefon is keeping me company. As is Bill Hader. And his wonderful glasses and eyebrows. Some girls may like big biceps, muscles, a flashy smile, or amazing style. Just give me eyebrows. So, for you male readers, pardon me turning into a girl. You are welcome to skip the last portion of this post. Who in the world would be attracted to this . . .

. . . when there is THIS in the world?

Oh, eyebrows. Behave. 

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